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Table 2 Anal manometric parameters of the two patient groups and control group

From: Relation between pelvic floor neurophysiological abnormalities and erectile dysfunction in patients with obstructed defecation

Anal manometric parameters

OD with ED group

(n = 32 patients)

mean ± SD

OD without ED group

(n = 33 patients)

mean ± SD

Control group

(n = 15 subjects)

mean ± SD

Test of significance


Maximum squeezing anal pressure (hPa)

67.75 ± 19.75†

70.24 ± 26.17||

101.93 ± 18.23†||

K = 19.990

 ≤ 0.0001*

Maximum straining anal pressure (hPa)

57.93 ± 13.34‡§

40.48 ± 14.98‡¶

0 ± 0§¶

K = 48.069

 ≤ 0.0001*

  1. hPa, hectopascal (it is the unit of pressure and it is equal to 100 Pascals); OD, obstructed defecation; ED, erectile dysfunction; n, number of subjects; SD, standard deviation; K, value of Kruskel-Wallis test; Z, value of Mann Whitney test
  2. *P is significant at < 0.05
  3. †Statistical significance difference between OD with ED group versus control group (Z =  −4.373, P ≤ 0.0001)
  4. ‡Statistical significance difference between OD with ED group versus OD without ED group (Z =  −4.189, P ≤ 0.0001)
  5. §Statistical significance difference between OD with ED group versus control group (Z =  −5.572, P ≤ 0.0001)
  6. ||Statistical significance difference between OD without ED group versus control group (Z =  −3.751, P ≤ 0.0001)
  7. ¶Statistical significance difference between OD without ED group versus control group (Z = −5.592, P ≤ 0.0001)