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Table 1 Baseline demographics of participants and demographics of radiation safety procedures and awareness

From: Awareness and implementation of lonizing radiation safety measures among urology community in Egypt: nationwide survey


Number (percentage)




52 (37)


53 (38)


21 (14)


13 (9)

 65 + 

3 (2)

Years in practice of urology

  < 5 years

21 (15)

 5–10 years

45 (32)

 10–15 years

26 (18)

  > 15 years

50 (35)

Current job level



18 (13)


60 (42)


34 (24)


30 (21)




9 (6)


24 (17)


9 (6)


9 (6)

Are you obligated to wear these things by your hospital or not? Yes

13 (9)

Did you take any radiation safety course by your hospital? Yes

9 (6)

Have you ever read a manuscript about methods of radiation protection for Endourologists? Yes

46 (45)

Have you ever participated in using dosimeters for calculation of the estimated radiation exposure during different Endourologic procedures? Yes

26 (18)

Do you know ALARA principle? Yes

34 (24)

Do you complain about the weight of the lead apron shield? Yes

92 (65)

Would this complain refrain you from wearing such protective shields? Yes

53 (37)

Does your nursing staff receive food supplement for radiation exposure? Yes

30 (21)

Have you ever witnessed a urologist or nursing staff treated for X-ray exposure-related disease? Yes

30 (21)